Tuesday, March 18, 2008

International Price and Earnings Momentum

International Price and Earnings Momentum

Leippold, Markus and Lohre, Harald, (March 4, 2008)

We find that price and earnings momentum are pervasive features of developed equity markets when controlling for multiple testing issues. Having ruled out data snooping as possible explanation for both phenomena, the evidence becomes even more startling. Recently, Chordia and Shivakumar (2006) argue that U.S. price momentum is subsumed by earnings momentum. We replicate their empirical finding for the U.S. and show that it does carry over to Europe on an aggregate level, but it does not apply to each and every European country. While the above explanation seems to be confined to certain time periods, earnings momentum nevertheless appears to be a crucial factor in explaining the price momentum anomaly in many developed markets. Since we cannot establish a decent relation between the earnings momentum phenomenon and macroeconomic risks we suspect a behavioral-based explanation to be at work. Narrowing the search for such a behavioral explanation we provide evidence that the anomaly is most likely not related to dispersion in analysts' earnings forecast.